“Kicking someone when they’re down takes little effort. Lifting them up, getting them to see hope ,and raising their spirits takes time, effort, and sacrifice. Are you a kicker or a lifter?” ~~ Greg Cupec
Submitted by Greg Cupec.
Education Quotes
“Kicking someone when they’re down takes little effort. Lifting them up, getting them to see hope ,and raising their spirits takes time, effort, and sacrifice. Are you a kicker or a lifter?” ~~ Greg Cupec
Submitted by Greg Cupec.
Filed Under: Reader Submissions, Time
“It is harder to learn how to lose than to learn how to win.” ~~ Jeremy Fox (aged 14)
Submitted by Vivienne Fox.
Filed Under: Learning, Reader Submissions, Self-Discipline
“The depth of your character is revealed in the way you respond to situations you dislike.” ~~ Unknown
Submitted by Taral K. Patel.
Filed Under: Character, Reader Submissions
“The fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” ~~ The Ancient Greek Poet Archilocus
Submitted by Peter Graham Lancashire.
Filed Under: Knowledge, Reader Submissions
“The brave may not live forever, but the timid and cowardly never live at all!” ~~ Unknown
Submitted by Bill.
Filed Under: Determination, Enthusiasm, Reader Submissions
“Life is like a roadmap with signs all the way. There are some things you can’t see until you get older and there are some things you can’t see when you get older.” ~~ Chandler Atkins
Submitted by Chandler Atkins.
Filed Under: Age, Reader Submissions
“Trust is a mirror that when broken never shows the same image as before.” ~~ Aubrey Dale Moreland
Submitted by Aubrey Dale Moreland.
Filed Under: Character, Reader Submissions, Values
“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do.” ~~ Elvis Presley
Submitted by Connie Kotzé.
Filed Under: Elvis Presley, Reader Submissions, Values